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संस्कृत नाम- इरिमेदः
Botanical name -
Acacia farnesiana
Description - Erect shrub with zigzag branches marked with minute raised gray dots; leaves alternate, bipinnate with minute leaflets, stipulate, stipules spiny, leaf rachis downy with minute petiolar gland, leaflets small, green, opposite, sub-glabrous, rigidly coriaceous; flowers borne on axillary cymose heads, small, fragrant, bright yellow, bracteate, sessile; pods 5.0-7.5 cm long, 1.25 cm thick, dull brown, marked with 10-12 fine close horizontal constrictions; seeds exalbuminous. The flowers possess a scent that resembles the odour of musk.
Chemical_Constituents- Flowers contain pinitol and a glycoside isorhamnetin 3-7glucorhamnoside, acids, glucosides. Tree contains gum. Leaves contain rutin, apigenin, cyanogens - linamarin and lotaustralin, glycosides. Stem and flowers contain tannins, gallic acid, m-digallic acid, ellagic acid, catechol. Seeds contain fatty oil. Ripe pods contain tannin and several polyphenolic compounds - gallic acid, ellagic acid, m-digallic acid, methylgallate, kaempferol, aromadendrin, naringenin, kaempferol-7-glucoside, naringenin-7-glucoside, naringenin-7-rhamnoglucoside, naringenin-7-diglucoside. Flavone acyiglucoside naringenin is also found. Leaf: tannins, alkaloids, rutin, apigenin-6, 8-bis-c-glucoside, cyanogens, linamarin, lotaustralin, and some amount of cyanide have been separated and identified, but some are still unidentified; Flower: contains 38 new constituents including three Cn compounds with characteristic fragrance of cassie oil.
Uses -
The bark is astringent and demulcent. It contains Essential oil and tannins. Various parts of the plant : in cholera, convulsion, delirium, epilepsy, madness, sores and sterility in women; Bark: in malaria. Modern use : Bark : astringent, demulcent, used in antifertility; inflorescence : in venereal diseases.

  • Acacia farnesiana
  • Acacia suma
  • Achyranthes aspera
  • Aconitum ferox
  • Aconitum heterophyllum
  • Acorus calamus
  • Adhatoda vasica
  • Adiantum caudatus
  • Adiantum lunulatum
  • Aegle marmelos